Support - Privacy & Copyright
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We appreciate that your information is private.  Kwictech Interactive will not sell or distribute your personal or corporate information.  In addition, we do not accept payment for any courses or materials through the web - payment can be made by telephone, fax, in person, or by mail. The On-line registration form must include contact information so that we can verify payment details. It is a little extra work, but we value your privacy.

Our information, ideas, articles, designs, graphics, and photos are proprietary and copyrighted. Permission is granted to print or download, for personal use, one copy of any part of this site with one condition; namely, that you do not remove Kwictech's name or logo, or any other copyright information from the print out. If you want to duplicate or distribute any portion of this site, please contact us to request specific written permission of a signing officer of the company.

Any Brand Names, Logos, or TradeMarks used on this site belonging to another party has been used with permission and remains the exclusive property of the appropriate owner.